Daisy enjoys origami and sculpting. With the Holman Prize, they would hosts events that promote equality through communication and games and bring these events to schools.
Anthony Ferraro
Anthony won 122 matches as a high school wrestler. With the Holman Prize, he would empower blind youth, including providing scholarships for blind youth to pursue athletics.
Gina Huylenbroeck
Gina enjoys roller coasters and zip lining. With the Holman Prize, she would build a program to take to schools, to educate children about disabilities, and how they can talk and work with their peers who have disabilities.
Sydney Pitcher
Sydney is an environmentalist. With the Holman Prize, Sydney would create Save the Cloud Juice, which would collect rainwater at schools and enable students to learn about sustainability.
Christopher Sacca
Christopher, an arboriculturist and tree preservationist, would use the Holman Prize to develop a horticulture curriculum for elementary school students, including giving each student tree seedlings to plant.