Sushil is passionate about activism and accessibility. With the Holman Prize, he would fund Empowerment through Entrepreneurship, which would help blind people in Nepal develop the tools they need to become entrepreneurs.
Naomi O’Toole
Naomi is a college student. With the Holman Prize, she would work with college students to prepare them for the challenges they face.
Kevin Andrews
Kevin enjoys travel. He would use the Holman Prize to fund Blindness without Barriers, which would bring a blindness-positive philosophy to underserved communities.
Hawa & Abdoulaye
Hawa and Abdoulaye work to help disabled students in their country of Burkina Faso. With the Holman Prize, they would a fund training center where blind people would be trained in tanning, soap making and juice making.
Chandana Pochiraju
Chandana is a playwright and an event organizer. With the Holman Prize, she would run Vibrance to start at Zero, a series of workshops to empower people to pursue their hidden talents.
Anthony Ferraro
Anthony won 122 matches as a high school wrestler. With the Holman Prize, he would empower blind youth, including providing scholarships for blind youth to pursue athletics.
Jason Romero
Jason is the first and only blind person to run across the United States, a journey of 3,063 miles. With the Holman Prize, he would travel the world to speak to children in schools about following their dreams regardless of disability.
Larry Johnson
Larry has worked as a radio and television broadcaster in the United States and Mexico. He would use the Holman Prize to travel to Cuba to teach a motivational workshop in English and Spanish to empower blind people.
Lisamaria Martinez
Lisamaria has been active in sports all her life. Recently, she’s discovered pole dance. With the Holman Prize, she would use workshops, training and audio description to make pole dance accessible to blind people across the United States.
Krystle Allen
Krystle, who once advocated for people with disabilities in Tokyo, would use the Holman Prize to pay for fifteen blind women to participate in the Miss Blind Diva Empowerment Fellowship Program. This is a sixteen-week program that provides personal and professional development and ends with the Miss Blind Diva Empowerment Pageant.